So you’ve stumbled on my website: Hi! I’m James and this is going to be a very short introductionary blog about the purpose of this website, hopefully it will help you understand if there will be content you would be interested in so here goes:
I have been a ‘techie’ for many years both at work and at home. I have been interested in all things computers for as long as I can remember and have a morbid curiousity for how things work at a very low level, I’m rarely satisfied with an answer and often spend many many hours digging into a subject before I am comfortable with the 1 line answer I found right at the start.
I am a .NET developer by trade and now manage a small team of developers, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of my nerdyness. I consider myself to have a Geek Soul, hence the name of this blog. So what am I going to blog about?
Pretty much everything I find interesting, it will most likely be a combination of tutorial style articles and blogs about something I thought was interesting. I play alot of PC games which I might write about but mostly it will be about cool tech stuff I stumbled across. I will also try to write how-to guides on things I have figured out as a way of sharing the knowledge but also documenting it for my own purposes!
I do hope you’ll join me on this journey through my mind and the ups and downs that come with it! If there is anything you’d like to see me investigate let me know and I’ll see what I can do!
Take care and don’t forget to keep your Geek Soul well fed 🙂